How gorgeous is this soup tureen. It was such fun to paint… I may have to revisit it again at some point… maybe do a Duck Soup painting for myself… Duck Soup (Grey Teal) 2016 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Image size 62cm x 46cm Private Collection
Project Type: Watercolours

Duck Soup (Pacific Black Duck) 2016
My first attempt at a silver tureen… and actually my first ever Duck Soup painting… I do love painting ducks… especially this duck who was our friendly Pacific black duck (or Duckie) from our trip to Noosa. Duck Soup (Pacific Black Duck) 2016 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Image size 62cm x 46cm Private […]

Off With the Fairies 2016
These little superb fairy wrens are enjoying this tea and fairy bread… of course… I wonder how I can incorporate fairy lights next time? Off With the Fairies 2016 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Image size 62cm x 46cm Private Collection

With a Cherry on Top 2016
We have a very friendly pair of magpies here who are more than happy to pose for photographs for a bowl of Trampy’s crunchies. I knew they would be a perfect match with the Royal Crown Derby Imari teaset and cherries. This image is available as a greeting card through my online shop With a […]

How Do You Like Them Apples? 2016
In case you hadn’t worked it out yet, but I love old films… the older the better. Marx Brothers (refer to my Duck Soup series) Buster Keaton and of course Charlie Chaplin… anyone who knows his work would be familiar with his ‘bread roll ballet’ from the movie ‘Gold Rush.’ This is my take on […]

Tea Party Double Double Barred Finch 2016
Although not formally invited to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party we have a mixed flock of mini birds who could dart in and out of the extra places laid without being noticed. These double barred finches are hoping the bread is of the seeded variety. I would like to thank my sister for the photo […]

Tea Party Red Browed Finch 2016
Although not formally invited to the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party we have a mixed flock of mini birds who could dart in and out of the extra places laid without being noticed.This red browed finch is quite impartial to a seeded loaf of bread if there is any going, otherwise just hanging on a pretty […]

The Mad Hatter 2016
When I started this ‘Alice adventure’ I knew that the only bird who was right to be the Mad Hatter was a sulphur crested cockatoo. Their crazy, manic, naughty natures meant that they were a natural for the part, plus they have their own in-built hat (of sorts). In each painting I am also trying […]

Tweedledum and Tweedledee 2016
Or the “Tweedles” for short. When I started this Lewis Carroll inspired journey, rereading both Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, there were some local birds which were obvious choices to ‘play’ characters in my own version of the Alice books. The Tweedles very obviously were like our galahs. As they […]

Red Knight 2016
Following on with my Lewis Carroll theme, this little fellow is named after the Red Knight who in “Alice Through the Looking Glass” is a little bit awkward, but well meaning, just like our resident rosellas. They even have little red helmets on. He is impartial to a lemon tart… as I am… Was included […]

Knave of Hearts 2016
Well, we all know what the Knave of Hearts was accused of… but did he actually do it? I’m sure this cheeky crimson rosella would have certainly stolen those tarts and eaten the evidence before anyone found him… Included in my 10 Impossible Things Exhibition Available as a greeting card through my online shop and […]

Fruit Loops 2016
Initially this painting was in an exhibition which was attached to the Mudgee Readers Festival. I was given a poem to illustrate. This was my creative response. To me, this painting and I guess all my paintings, is about wistful nostalgia. The Bunnykins bowl, the fruit loops I should never have been allowed to eat […]