This painting is based on our lovely but naughty king parrots. We were sitting on the veranda watching the pretty birds as they bit the heads off our dahlia flowers and trampled them into the ground! They looked at us with their cute little naughty faces as if to say “aren’t I pretty, what are […]
Project Type: Watercolours

Twitcher’s Tea Party 2015
When Artisan on Lewis held my last exhibition, Bird’s Eye View, in lieu of an opening we had a Twitcher’s Tea Party, complete with pots of tea, pretty cups and saucers and Angela’s famous scones with her amazing jams. It was a veritable feast for all the senses… and of course I took photos for […]

Duck Soup 2016
No, this painting is not about eating our locals, it is the title of my favourite Marx Brothers movie, Duck Soup! I guess my next painting should be Horse Feathers… If you have never seen a Marx Brothers movie I highly recommend it… that and Buster Keaton, but they don’t translate to well into bird […]

Romeo and Juliet 2016
If you have bought one of my male superb wren greeting cards, and read the little blurb on the back, you may already be aware that male superb wrens when courting have been known to present yellow flower petals to their potential conquests… I mean… girlfriends (well they are known as the floozy of the […]

Easy To Swallow 2015
After having yum cha with friends at 29Nine99 in the historic town of Rylstone I became besotted with their beautiful teapot emblazoned with, you guessed it, sweet little birds, almost as much as their delicious dumplings! How could I use this as part of my new series of paintings “Not So Still Life” where I […]

Wattlebird with Waratah 2015
This is my largest watercolour to date. There is something quite exciting and daunting at the same time. What if I stuff it? Which is as always a very real possibility. Anyway, I took my time and I think it has come together nicely… if I say so myself. As sugar junkies the red wattlebirds […]

Boy Meets Girl 2015
Due to the success of the Redbubble greeting card of the same name which was just a mash up of two separate paintings of a boy wren and a girl wren (ahhh the joys of desktop publishing) I thought maybe I should paint an actual version of it, with boy wren meeting girl wren, of […]

Rainbow Bee Eaters 2015
Every Summer the Rainbow Bee Eaters fly down from warmer climes to nest in the banks of the Putta Bucca Wetlands, a reclaimed quarry just on the outskirts of Mudgee town. 80s makeup and hairstyles inspired by these pretty little birds. Rainbow Bee Eaters Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Image size 21cm x 30cm […]

Party of Pardalotes 2015
Normally you just hear the local pardalotes but never see them. You can imagine my surprise when I stepped outside to see a ‘party’ of pardalotes just hanging out together. Luckily I had my camera with me… this little group of pardalotes have been the models for many of my little tiny paintings, I thought […]

Who’s a Pretty Boy? 2015
One of my favourite local birds. Sadly they do not visit our garden, yet, but I usually come across them in all the local wineries, the red-rumped parrot. What is so striking about them is how stunning the boys are compared to how drab the ladies look. She almost blended into the tree hollow they […]

Magpie Mug Shot 2015
The harshest of all judges during swooping season and the reason plastic ice cream containers become a part of the spring fashion collection. If they take a disliking to you or your mode of transport watch out! Usually quite calm and collected the rest of the year. Magpie Mug Shot Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton […]

Kookaburra Mug Shot 2015
The bane of the late riser and stealer of lunches. There was a particularly crafty one based in the Domain opposite the Art Gallery of New South Wales who could steal a sandwich right out of your hand as you brought it up to your mouth to take a bite. Kookaburra Mug Shot Watercolour on […]