This cheeky cockie has decided that his tea is too hot so has decided to drop it… as you can imagine a naughty cockie would do. Cock-a-tea 2017 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton rag paper Paper size 80cm x 57cm Private Collection
Project Type: Watercolours

Gimme Some Sugar 2017
These two little naughty sugar gliders are helping each other raid the sugar bowl… Aren’t they cheeky… Gimme Some Sugar 2017 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton rag paper Paper size 31cm x 45cm Private Collection

Do Dunnarts Eat Donuts? 2017
The sister image to my Are Antechinus Anti Cheesecake is Do Dunnarts Eat Donuts? It was fun pairing our mini marsupials with naughty cake treats. I can honestly say that no cute little natives were forced to eat cake in the making of these paintings… although the artist may have indulged… purely for reference reasons… […]

Are Antechinus Anti Cheesecake? 2017
Dubbed “Rat with Cheese” by my partner who was horrified that I would consider putting this painting in a cafe for my Outside In exhibition at Artisan on Lewis. It goes against every public health warning having a painting of a rat with cheese in a cafe was his argument. To me it was a […]

Elli and Tiga 2017
Two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels for two daughters calls for two paintings… this is Elli and Tiga and Tiga and Elli… of course. I love these sorts of commissions… Elli and Tiga and Tiga and Elli 2017 Both Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton rag paper Paper size 30.5cm x 21.5cm Both in private collections

Spot 2017
I was delighted to have been asked to paint this commission of this elderly gentleman, Spot, a twenty year old puppy at heart at the time of painting. Spot Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Image size 14.5cm x 20.5cm (approx) Private Collection

Pin Cushion 2017
I know I am not supposed to have favourite paintings, but I have a real soft spot for this one… in fact… all my echidna paintings. They are a challenge, but they are a fun challenge nonetheless… Was part of my Outside In exhibition at Artisan on Lewis. Pin Cushion Watercolour on Handmade 100% Cotton […]

Joanna the Sand Goanna 2017
Originally this painting was to be called Lace on Lace thinking that the model for my painting was a cute little baby lace monitor. After a bit of research I discovered that that we have two types of goanna sharing our property… the lace monitor and a sand goanna and unfortunately I was painting a […]

Willow Story 2017
Once there was a wealthy Mandarin, who had a beautiful daughter (Koong-se). She had fallen in love with her father’s humble accounting assistant (Chang), angering her father. (It was inappropriate for them to marry due to their difference in social class.) He dismissed the young man and built a high fence around his house to […]

Sugar High 2017
This little sugar glider was part of group show at Artisan on Lewis for the Mudgee Food Festival, the theme was Food For Thought. This was a comment on our obsession with sugar… Sugar High 2017 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Image size 45cm x 31cm Private Collection

Hipsy the French French Bulldog 2017
This is one of my favourite commissions. This is Hipsy the French French bulldog. He is a very handsome man who lives in a gorgeous apartment full of antiques and Persian carpets such as this one with his humans in France. Thank you so much Frank the dachshund (and his human Meg) for being Hipsy’s […]

Who’s a Pretty Birdie? 2017
Male red rumped parrots are such beautiful brightly coloured birds, whereas their lady friends are quite dull in comparison. It was hard to decide which pretty teacups would show off his gorgeous colours the best and therefore would attract him as a desirable perch. Was part of my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael Reid […]