This is the view from the top of the ridge on our property. At different times of the day, the colours are so very different. My aim is to try and capture some of the differing lights. This is early morning. It was actually bought by the local Gulgong Anglican minister who said it reminded […]
Project Type: Watercolours

Pacific Black Duck 2015
On a recent holiday to the tropics, we became quite good friends with this little fellow. He would waddle into our luxury holiday house as if he owned it, quacking all the while, even going so far as to have a swim in the water feature. He became known as Duckie… and we knew exactly […]

Brush Turkey 2015
With a face only a mother could love and manners to match, the Australia brush turkey is the scourge of manicured gardens everywhere… unless you like huge piles of mulch in the middle of your lawn… These structures they build in which to lay their eggs, and they are perfect incubators, keeping the eggs at […]

Larry the Siamese 2015
Our neighbours Siamese then kitten. Another very pointy animal. Larry the Siamese Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Image size 10.2 cm x 15.1 cm NFS

What a Pair of Galahs! 2015
What is there to say about galahs… they really are entertaining to watch and to paint. We have a pair who visit us daily, sleeping in one of our trees at night. Just gorgeous. And crazy. And noisy. Definitely one of my favourite birds. This crazy pair are available as a greeting card through my […]

Magpie Serenade 2015
We have a constant pair of Magpies who share our property with us. They have such wonderful personalities, I can watch their antics all day. Every morning and evening they serenade us with their beautiful melodious call. They have such beautiful voices, I could listen to them all day. Magpie Serenade Watercolour on handmade 100% […]

Magpie Strut 2015
Another of our magpie friends, strutting around his domain. Magpie Strut Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Image size 21 cm x 29.5 cm Framed 32.2 cm x 42.2 cm SOLD

Tawny 2015
This little tawny frogmouth was spotted in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney, near where I used to work. I’m not sure who was the most surprised, him or me? Probably him by the expression on his face… but I am sure I had a similar one, just hidden under my camera. Tawny Watercolour on […]

Willy Wagtail 2015
Such an awkward bird the way to flies and stands, with his oversize tail wagging at the slightest breeze. I always think they would make a great weathervane design. But they also look so very dapper in their white vest and tails, as if they are off to the theatre. Willy Wagtail Watercolour on 100% […]

Crested Pigeon 2014
Strange birds with very little road sense. I am usually having to beep my horn at them to get them to move off the middle of the roadway, and then they just fly to the nearest power line and give me death stares as if I disturbed their enjoyment of life by not wanting to […]

Blue Faced Honeyeater 2014
Not the prettiest or the daintiest of honeyeaters, the blue faced honeyeater is another sugar addicted bird. This one was seen hanging round with a gang of rainbow lorikeets all hoping that I wasn’t going to empty the sachet of sugar into my coffee, and hand it over to them instead… and with those claws […]

The Work Horses 2014
During the October Long Weekend 2014 in the very well preserved gold rush town of Gulgong, there were a couple of ‘blokes’ doing horse and carriage ‘joy rides.’ As you can imagine I was there like a shot with my camera knowing that these are the wonderful rural scenes I love from my new life […]