Spotted Pardalote 2013

This has to be my favourite bird. They are tiny and often difficult to see because they spend most of their time in the tops of trees looking for their favourite food, lerp (I didn’t know what it was either)… Except when they come down to nest, and then, amazingly, they build a tunnel in […]

Jenny Wren 2013

Often seen in a harem with one flashy looking boy, these jenny wrens are often the forgotten ones, as their partners are so striking. But I love the jenny wrens. They are cute and perky and full of energy. It is always very cute seeing them hopping around the front yard, yelling out to all […]

Male Superb Wren 2013

The most popular bird in both personality and it seems in paintings as well… I have sold a few wren paintings. But this was the very first painting I ever sold. Who can resist their charms? Such cute perky little birds always with an entourage of girls and children. I love seeing them hop around […]

Double Barred Finch 2013

Another favourite and regular visitor to our place are the double-barred finches. They arrive in large beeping flocks, but they are terribly cute. Especially when they bring the kids around, with their dirty faces, before they get their pristine masks. On mass they do act like the clowns they are dressed up as. Available as […]