These two cute little orphaned tawny frogmouths had to be snuggled up on a gorgeous teapot for warmth. Was part of my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael Reid Murrurundi Tea Cosy 2017 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Paper size 62cm x 46cm Private Collection
Project Type: Watercolours

Takes the Biscuit 2017
This is so what would happen if galahs tried to steal the iced vovos! And they would you know… cheeky galahs! Was part of my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael Reid Murrurundi Takes the Biscuit 2017 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Paper size 80cm x 56cm Private Collection

Pretty as a Pitcher 2017
This lyre bird is flourishing his extraordinary tail whilst perched atop this gorgeous French pitcher. Was part of my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael Reid Murrurundi Pretty as a Pitcher 2017 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton paper Paper image 80cm x 56cm Private Collection

Free as a Bird 2017
This cute cockatoo is so delighted to have been included in my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael Reid Murrurundi. He is doing a pirouette on this James Sadler Sophie Chintz teapot… of course! Was part of my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael Reid Murrurundi Free as a Bird 2017 Watercolour on handmade 100% […]

Bathing Beauties 2017
Eastern rosellas love to have baths in our bird baths. They get in and splash around getting water everywhere. In my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition I wanted to invite them inside to splash around in a pitcher and washbowl. Bathing Beauties Watercolour on Handmade 100% Cotton Paper Paper size 62cm x 46cm Private Collection

The Fisher King 2017
This laughing kookaburra is the largest of the king fishers… so when he had a chance to have an indoor swim he could not resist this Masons Ironstone octagonal willow pattern pitcher and washbowl… Was part of my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael Reid Murrurundi The Fisher King 2017 Watercolour on Handmade 100% Cotton […]

Quick Critter Sketches Baby Bunny Standing
What more is there to say… these are a series of postcard size quick watercolour sketches of various cute critters from around the world. Why? You may ask… just because… Baby Bunny Watercolour on a Fabriano watercolour postcard Image size 14.8cm x 10.5 cm POA

Easy As Duck Soup (Sevres Tureen) 2017
I love painting pacific black ducks, probably because I have a fantastic model who just loved posing for the camera when we were in Noosa on holidays. This little duckie had oodles of personality and was not afraid to show it! This time I have placed him on a gorgeous green (and I am not […]

Tea-tottering Bunnykins 2017
What can I say, it seemed like a perfect match to have cheeky little superb fairy wrens hopping all over this stack of Bunnykins china. It is only when you start analysing what the bunnies are up that you realise how naughty they really are! Was part of my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael […]

Tea Tottering Red Browed Finch 2017
This little red-browed finch is precariously balancing on a stack of pretty vintage Asian-inspired red tea cups, as you do! I had a lot of fun with these paintings searching for the perfect colours and patterns which would both work together and with the little birdie I perched at the top! Was part of my […]

Discover Galah
This cheeky little fellow was a commission from Discover Central New South Wales Magazine. In my opinion, one of the finest free tourism magazines going! And not just because they support local artists such as myself! The brief was to have a cheeky galah sitting on a copy of the Discover Magazine. I think I […]

Easy As Duck Soup (Royal Crown Derby Imari Pattern) 2017
This Pacific Black duck perches effortlessly on a Royal Crown Derby Old Imari pattern soup tureen. Really is as easy as duck soup! If you are an imaginary duck! For me, it was hours of painstaking work, but I love it! Was part of my Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at Michael Reid Murrurundi Easy As […]