Who would have thought greeting cards could lead to so many other exciting opportunities!
When I started this greeting card empire of mine I was not expecting some of the new and exciting responses. Not only did I get an excuse to go shopping… I mean… visiting shops… to drop off my sample packs and order forms, but I got to meet some truly lovely stockists. But there have been some surprise bonuses. I believe it was my print on demand cards which were responsible for getting me an exhibition at Artisan on Lewis this year (with another one booked in for March 2016 as well) and for introducing me to lovely like minded bird lovers, but it is my new branded cards which have surprised me with their surprises!
As part of my card promotion I sent out sample packs to all sorts of places round the area and beyond, figuring that if they saw the quality, maybe even put them on display they may sell them and come back and order from me. A few shops tried them and have already placed an order but to my utter delight I received a phone call from Michelle Kludas, the Director of Michael Reid‘s gallery at Murrurundi enquiring whether I would be interested in also putting some of my paintings in their stockroom on commission as well as stocking my greeting cards. Would I ever!!! When I posted off my little sample pack of greeting cards to Michael Reid Murrurundi I fantasised that they would contact me and want to stock my paintings, but didn’t actually believe it would happen… I am excited, terrified, happy and stressed all at the same time. If you are unsure who Michael Reid is, he is the bees knees, the ants pants, the cats pyjamas of the Australian art world, with galleries in Sydney, Berlin and Murrurundi. So on the Friday before the October Long Weekend, Fraser my partner, myself, my portfolio and an assortment of artworks made their way to the beautiful little town of Murrurundi to meet the lovely and talented Michelle Kludas, the Gallery Director. What a truly beautiful space. Hidden in amongst a forest setting with blue bells and hellebores of all subtle hues and lovely tall trees which hadn’t quite woken up yet from their winter slumber. You could image Robin of Sherwood hiding in this copse, it so reminded of an English forest, placed in the middle of an Australian country town. The building I believe was an old Cobb and Co coach house, which has been beautifully restored and makes a beautiful gallery space, cafe and gift shop. The cafe even uses Hernandez beans which to an ex-Darlinghurst art student it was like coming home… Before we left for the drive home, Michelle put some of my paintings up in the gallery space, so I can now say that I am hanging in a Michael Reid gallery… how exciting! Cue happy dance! Lets hope they sell, then they may ask for some more…
Are your pics available for sale?
Yes Tim they are. I have some works available in my ‘for sale’ section of this website. You can also go to
they also have some works listed there. Feel free to contact me if there are any you are interested in.
Cheers, Denise