Earlier this year I had an unexpected trip to hospital when a cat bite made my whole had swell up. Rather than just getting some antibiotics which I thought would be the outcome I ended up being sent from Mudgee Hospital to Dubbo Hospital with suspected cellulitis. By the time I made it through the […]
Project Type: Watercolours

Lyre Lyre Plants on Fire 2021
Lyre Lyre Plants on Fire 2021 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton rag paper 110cm x 76cm Private collection

Lyrical Bouquet 2021
One of the creative issues with using handmade paper is it can be fairly unpredictable. This was a Spanish handmade paper which from the look and feel of it I had really high hopes… unfortunately in practical terms it didn’t work the way I expected. The watercolour would bleed everywhere if it touched any other […]

Rains Coming 2021
One of the first old wive’s tales I was told about when we first moved up here was that when the black cockatoos flew over it was going to rain. The amount of rain depended on how many cockatoos and whether they were flying low and screeching and whether they were heading inland or towards […]

Cockies and Sunflowers
A “cockaphony” (my word) of cockatoos! Knowing what they do to our sunflowers I couldn’t resist giving them their own field of sunflowers to raid and play in. I can almost hear them… Cockies and Sunflowers 2021 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton rag paper 57cm x 80cm Private collection

Superbowl Lesser Sooty Owl 2021
One of my favourite pieces from my Quixotic and Exotic exhibition is this lesser sooty owl. Is he a superb owl or is he perched upon a super bowl. You decide! If you look closely you may notice the little American football I added to the porcelain bowl design… Superbowl Lesser Sooty Owl 2021 Watercolour […]

Tea Cock 2021
Another peacock painting in my Quixotic and Exotic exhibition at Michael Reid Sydney. This peacock is holding his favourite teapot, featuring, surprise, surprise, a peacock! Making it, in my mind, a teacock… get it? I will show myself out. Tea Cock 2021 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton rag paper 76cm x 111cm Private collection

Bowl of Mandarins 2021
This piece was in my second solo show at Michael Reid Sydney, Quixotic and Exotic. It features a mandarin tree, a mandarin duck and a Mason’s Mandarin Ironstone teacup. Fruity! Bowl of Mandarins 2021 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton rag paper 80cm x 57cm Private collection

Birdie Willow 2020
This piece was also part of my reimagined willow plates for the Michael Reid Murrurundi and Country Style magazine exhibition The Country Table in March 2021. This Booths Real Old Willow was reinvented with Australian native birds.Birdie Willow 2020 Watercolour on handmade 100% cotton rag paper 50cm round Private collection

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! 2020
Stolen from the “Wizard of Oz” and reinterpreted for the “Wizard of Aus”! It features a tiger quoll, a tiger orchid, a koala bear (because you can’t have Lions and Tigers and Bears without a koala bear, right?). Sea lions were too big and ant lions too small and Lion Fish live underwater so I […]

Fairy Tales 2020
Fairy Tales is a reference to so many of the fairy tales we read as a child where the princess expected any potential suitors to fulfill a number of ridiculous quests. In this version we have a generic female wren, because anyone who does any bird watching knows that the girl wrens are almost indistinguishable […]

Imaginary Friends 2020
Painted in the height of lockdown here in New South Wales. Although my life altered very little, as I live in the middle of nowhere and only venture in to town once a week anyway, it was hard not to feel affected by the fear and the uncertainty of the future. We had just gone […]